Texture Plates Made of Polymer Clay: Celie Fago DIY - JewelryDIYs
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Dockyard Carving set for making polymer clay texture plates.

Texture Plates Made of Polymer Clay: Celie Fago DIY

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How can you not like Celie Fago if you are a polymer or metal clay enthusiast?  Her work is reminiscent of beautifully aged artifacts created with an enduring craftsmanship. You often see exotic patterning in her pieces.  The patterns are made using texture plates made of polymer clay.

Fago’s tutorial on creating polymer clay texture plates to pattern both polymer and metal clays began as a warm-up exercise: “I needed a way to warm up in the mornings before I actually began to carve on a piece into which I’d already put many hours of construction.”

It isn’t detailed in the tutorial but once an impression is made in a clay using the finished polymer texture plates, ink or some other colorant or powder is often painted/rubbed over the carved surface, then the excess wiped away which adds another element of depth to the carving. Fago also has a carving tutorial on her blog.

Check out Celie Fago’s Polymer Clay Texture Plates tutorial.






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Tonya Miller
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